If there's one thing that everyone wants nowadays, it's good snoring remedies. What's more, through this site I've found that people are looking for cheap remedies. Like, real cheap. Like, cheap or free. :)
I get that. Economic times are tough. But one thing it is important piece of advice I can tell you is this: a closet full of "stop snoring remedies" certainly adds up in terms of dollars spent. Plus, you know what you're looking for: a solution that works. You want something that works, isn't too crazy, is comfortable, and actually answers the question: "how do I stop snoring?"
So if you're asking for the best, "works for most people", most cost effective solution, I'd definitely say a snoring mouthpiece (see reviews). While I do love the SnoreLess pillow (which works, albeit for mild to medium snorers), it doesn't work for everyone. Chin straps, like the My Snoring Solution, tend to be bunk (read here).
The interesting point? To some of this site's visitors, all of those devices seem "pricey". To which I respond, "sometimes you have to pay for effectiveness". It's just that simple.
Musts To Avoid
So, as a fairly serious "investigator" of snoring products, it's my duty to let you know of products that simply don't pass the smell test. Either ineffective or expensive over the long term, they take a problem that could be solved today for less than $100 (the Zyppah mouthpiece, as an example), and extend it waaayyy into the future. Here are some examples:
SnoreStop Spray
Ok, maybe it's just me, but sprays just don't seem to make sense.
First of all, the "Non-addictive, Non-Drowsy Homeopathic medicine" idea seems a bit dubious. Call me a skeptic, but...
This thing is about $17 on Amazon for a "two month supply". Of course, they would also love it if you "subscribed" to the spray (which we really have very little idea of as far as long term effects), which will cost you about $16 every two months. Sound good? Well how about the fact that you could buy the VitalSleep mouthpiece for the price of three bottles? It's not the best mouthpiece out there, but it is effective, and will stay with you all year. For a few years, likely!
Now, as to effectiveness, this product is pretty well rated. Amazon is also really good at picking out junk reviews and giving you the straight ahead on most products. I go there myself! Not for snoring products (their selection is incredibly weak and poorly constructed), but I trust their reviews as much as anyone.
I guess my point is, buyer beware. I haven't tried SnoreStop myself, but considering all of the crap we already put into our bodies, I don't think it's worth putting a new "mystery spray" over top of everything else.
If you've have a story about this product, feel free to comment!
The problem with most snoring cases and the chinstrap is simply that the science isn't there.
What I mean by this is that 90% of snorers require that their jaw be moved forward in order to clear the blocked epiglottis issue that causes the snoring in the first place. So a chinstrap, which holds the jaw back just doesn't make sense! I mean, seriously. How can this work?
I have heard of people claiming that these products have worked for them, but not enough. And as my review of the "My Snoring Solution" points out, there are just far too many people complaining about the quality and effectiveness of chin straps for my liking.
Oh, Nasal Strips. Another classic "disposable product", nasal strips are one-two time wearable "nose bandaids" that are supposed to help you to stop snoring. And again, according to Amazon, some people have found this to be an effective solution.
But would I recommend it? Never!
Again, Nasal Snorers tend to be the minority, as most real, apnea-like cases of snoring involve the throat, not the nose. But the fact that these things cost 37 cents a strip (which doesn't sound like much, until you understand that this may mean $135 per year!), and only work for a select few snorers makes me think thumbs down.
A big two thumbs down!
(Have any horror stories about snoring remedy products you've tried? Comment below!)
Snoring Remedies – What Works And What Doesn’t was originally published to The Snoring Mouthpiece Report
source https://snoring.mouthpiece.report/products/snoring-remedies
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